A New Method for Assessment of Engineering Drawing Answer Scripts Using Fuzzy Logic

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Engineering Graphics Center, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran

2 Head of engineering graphics center, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran


Popular method for assessment of final exam answer scripts in university and among the engineering drawing answer scripts based on absolute true or false judgment and assigning a single number or letter to answer of each problem cannot be so fair.
To obtain a fair assessment method, we considered “imagination”, “accuracy”, “drawing” and “innovation” that are objectives of engineering drawing course to be separately assessed for each problem. Flexibility and linguistic properties of fuzzy logic made us use it as the basis of our method. In addition, fuzzy variables and membership functions are easily linguistic explainable, and adjustable to different conditions. “Answering time” was added as a factor with only a positive effect on the final grade. Between these five factors, imagination has special importance because it supports one of seven human intelligences which is spatial ability
Finally, however we applied the proposed method to engineering drawing course, it can be applied to other courses with considering their properties.


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Volume 51, Issue 1
June 2020
Pages 170-183
  • Receive Date: 09 September 2018
  • Revise Date: 22 April 2019
  • Accept Date: 22 April 2019