Exergy-Economic Optimization of Gasket-Plate Heat Exchangers

Document Type : Research Paper


Faculty of Engineering, Shohadaye Hoveizeh Campus of Technology, Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz, Dashte Azadegan, Iran.


In this research, using Harris Hawks optimization method, the gasket- plate heat exchangers is studied with an exergy- economic approach. Six parameters of hot fluid inlet temperature, cold fluid inlet temperature, hot fluid mass flow rate, cold fluid mass flow rate, port diameter and the number of plates were selected as design variables. The ratio of hot fluid mass flow rate to cold fluid mass flow rate, λ, is introduced to the analysis of exergy loss. The results showed that using Harris Hawks optimization method, exergy loss and total cost can be reduced by 70% and 81%, respectively. The optimization results showed that minimizing the exergy loss, the efficiency of the gasket- plate heat exchanger increases by 30%. It is also found that for λ>1, with the increase of cold fluid mass flow rate, the exergy loss number decreases and for λ<1, with the increase of cold fluid mass flow rate, the exergy loss number increases.


Main Subjects

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Volume 54, Issue 2
June 2023
Pages 254-267
  • Receive Date: 15 February 2023
  • Revise Date: 02 March 2023
  • Accept Date: 08 March 2023